Terms and conditions
Terms & Conditions
Our products helps to prevent possible damage at your bike, but LORE Components can never be held responsible when it occurs!
We design, produce and test our products ourselves, using all of our experience. We use the automotive quality standards for our products.
Our suppliers are chosen carefully, and are subject of regular control.
Every product we ship has gone through our own hands.
But, if you think the product, or our service, does not meet your expectations, please contact us, and we work something out. Every feedback is important for us, so don't hesitate.
By ordering any of our products, you declare to agree with these terms & conditions.
Personal information
All personal information you provide us with or that we obtain will be saved by lore-components.com. We’ll use these data to process your order, and for commercial use. Your data will not be transmitted to third parties deliberately, however, leftorrightengineering.com cannot be held responsible for data third parties retrieves on its own. View our privacy policy.
These data can be retrieved at all times (contact us). Changes and preferences also can be indicated.
By placing an order at lore-components.com, you declare to be 18 years or older, or that you have parents' permission to buy from us.
Prices are calculated at the checkout of your cart, applicable on the day you order.
By hitting the order button, you declare to agree with our shipping policy.
All products remain property of LORE Components until the payment is completely fulfilled. Shipping costs and payment fees are recognized before confirming the purchase.
All transfers are handled and transacted through third party dedicated gateways to guarantee your protection. Card information is not stored and all card information is handled over SSL encryption. Please read the terms & conditions for the payment gateway choosen for the transaction as they are responsible for the transactions made.
Options are limited: we only accept Paypal or credit card payments processed through our payment partner indicated when ordering.
Customs and taxes
Please be aware that every region has its own import policy. Sales taxes and/or customs duty are at the customers expense. LORE Components applies the taxes as required by the Belgian government.
Price changes
LORE Components preserves the right to change prices, specifications and terms without prior notice.
In cases of odds, LORE Components cannot be held responsible for possible damage (material or psychological). For example: war, fire, flood, sabotage, terrorism, accident, natural disasters, strikes, government decisions or lack of delivery from third parties.
Additional Information
LORE Components reserves the right to change information, prices, specifications and conditions at any time.
LORE Components always preserves the right to cancel the order, even after a customer ordered a certain product, without being obligated to give any justification. LORE Components will notify the customer, and offer the best possible solution by suggesting an alternative or by refunding the best way.
If this website contains typo’s, ambigious information or offensive lyrics, we can assure you it is not LORE Components ‘s purpose the mislead or insult someone. Please contact us, so we can improve.
All enquiries: feel free to contact us through our contact form.
Left Or Right Design bvba
Maastrichterstraat 179, B-3740 Bilzen
RPR Antwerp, department Hasselt.
Belfius BE94 0689 0504 7514